Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Week 3 Reflection

Here is a refletion of some of our learning from the week

I finally finshed my collage of a horse jumping

Maths: Here is a DLO I created of how to multiply fractions

Writing- CLICK HERE for a link to my alliteration poems
Heres some of what we learnt

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Week 1&2 Reflection

Here is my refliction of what I have done during week 1 & 2

Reading: We did availl and watched 2 movies, Hook and Holes.
Here is a photo of some of my work:

Topic: Our topic is money and Miss Power introduced banqer to us. We get $200 of income each week and get extra money for other things.

Here is a slide show of my D.L.O

I also came 1st in cross country running!
Image result for smiley face