Monday, 27 May 2013

Magical Footpath Chalk

If I could have the privilege to use magical footpath chalk to make any thing
 that I draw come alive I would draw these four things:

  1. A cute miniature pony (even though I have got 6 ponies at my house!) called Spot this is what she would look like :
  2. A 80 inch purple T.V 
  3. More Magical Footpath Chalk!
  4. A never ending supply of pumpkin soup and garlic bread

Friday, 17 May 2013

Word Freak!!!


Are you a word freak? How many words can you make out of the words below the person who creates the most words will be congratulated on my blog!


Thursday, 2 May 2013

Trivial Pursuit

My Dad, my sister and I have just played Trivial Pursuit.It is really cool because it is the family edition and there is adults and kids questions so everyone in your family can play.
Unfortunately, my little sister won the first game even though she thought that she was going to lose. On the right side on my blog there is some questions from the game. Have a go and see what you think.