Monday, 27 May 2013

Magical Footpath Chalk

If I could have the privilege to use magical footpath chalk to make any thing
 that I draw come alive I would draw these four things:

  1. A cute miniature pony (even though I have got 6 ponies at my house!) called Spot this is what she would look like :
  2. A 80 inch purple T.V 
  3. More Magical Footpath Chalk!
  4. A never ending supply of pumpkin soup and garlic bread


  1. Number 3 is such an Ella answer! I can sort you out the last one...when do you want it?

  2. Hi Ella
    I love garlic bread too Its really good!!!!
    Great ideas
    bye bye


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.