Saturday 14 September 2013

Yum Pizza!!!

I (Smellaphant) have invented a BRAND NEW....PIZZA!!!
The ingredients are:Sausage,red onion,bacon,olives,mozzarella,tasty cheese,chilli flakes and paprika 
It's called the Smellaphant pizza it doesn't smell but the smell of the pizza in the oven smells GOOD!
I can't wait so I'm sitting by the oven waiting!
Yum,Yum,Yum,Yum,Yum,Yum,Yum,Yum,Yum,Yum,Yum,Yum oooo I could make a song about yummy ness but I can't keep telling you about my yummy pizza I need to eat it!

1 comment:

  1. Yum Ella, that was a great looking pizza. Pretty good base too it thought. Hmmm, now lets see...who was the awesome person who made that, um, oh I know! It was me.


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