Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Main Stars-Comic Strip

For my comic strip I did the Princess and the foal

Main stars-Flow chart

Main stars-letter

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Main stars-Cook a meal

I made Chicken noodles with vegetables and Ice Cream sandwidges!

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Main stars-What we learnt at Harold

The word after sugar is supposed to be sodium (salt) :)

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Obstacle course-Main stars

Today me and Sophie did our obstacle course... In the RAIN!
The hopscotch
The skip it 
The jump
Backyard hockey 
And the knock the rolls off the ladder thingy!!! 

Ruby Redfort Look into my eyes-Lauren child

RUBY REDFORT-Look into my eyes!

This is a mystery book with lots of funny, awesome and even more funny things.This is the first book in the series and it is truly awesome.I would recomend it to girls 9-13 and some boys may like it too.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

40 Book Challenge

Kia Ora! 
I am really excited about the 40 book challenge for those who dont know what it is, Miss Panther (Our Awesome Teacher) has challenged Room 11 To read 40 books in the year! I have started off with Ruby Redfort-Look into my eyes. A Mysterey book!
 This year I am in room 11 this year again but this time we have got a digital class! And we have even got our own computers...CHROMEBOOKS!!! 
Im looking foward to Arthur's pass camp and ski trip at Porters Ski Feild and...Drumroll please.......