Heres one of my titanic activities on what could of prevented the Titanic from sinking:
The main thing I think that they should've changed on the titanic was to add more life boats. Although this wasn't going to prevent it from sinking it would of prevented so many people losing their lives. There was only lifeboats for 33% of the passengers and only 20 out of the 64 lifeboats proposed to be put on board actually were on the Titanic when it set sail. They reduced the number as they believed the number of lifeboats made the boat look cluttered. The first lifeboat (which could accommodate 65) only had 12 in it when it was rowed away from the scene.
Another thing that could've prevented the ship sinking was to fit the boat with a double hull. The technology was there to do it, but the Titanic's manufacturers said the double hull was an unnecessary expense, and the ship's watertight bulkheads could of been extended and fully sealed.
One of maths activities:
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